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Liposuction in Louisville, KY | Corbett Cosmetic Surgery

Over the years, Dr. Lee Corbett has become renowned as a leading Louisville liposuction specialist. He applies his extensive experience and training to each liposuction procedure, consistently delivering remarkable body contouring results. In the paragraphs below, Dr. Corbett describes liposuction surgery and the results liposuction Louisville patients can achieve through this procedure.

What can Liposuction Treat?

Liposuction is available to treat remove difficult, “exercise resistant” areas of excess fat, including:

  • the lower abdomen
  • “saddlebags”
  • hips
  • thighs
  • upper arms
  • under the chin
Multiple areas can be treated in one setting, and Liposuction can be combined with other techniques as well.

The goal of Liposuction Surgery is to improve body contour, symmetry, and appearance. Liposuction is not intended to be a method of weight loss nor is it effective for the obese patient.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the surgery take place?

Dr. Corbett performs his liposuction procedures in an outpatient facility.

Where are the incisions made?

Liposuction incisions are usually located along natural skin creases and as such are usually well camoflauged. The incisions are very small, typically 3 to 5 millimeters.

What kind of anesthesia is required?

General Anesthesia is required.

How long is the surgery?

Liposuction Surgery varies based on the number of areas and extent of treatment required. A time range will be estimated at your consultation.

How long must I remain in the hospital after surgery?

Liposuction can be performed on an outpatient basis. In general, most Louisville liposuction patients are fine to go home. Those patients who have many areas treated or have liposuction combined with other procedures may be better off staying overnight to maximize your comfort and well-being.

What happens after my surgery?

After surgery you should plan on at least 2 to 4 follow-up visits. Each case is individualized to address your needs.

What are the risks?

As with any surgical procedure, complications can occur and are best discussed at the time of your consultation. It is essential that patients be aware of potential complications before undergoing this or any surgical procedure. 


Most patients return to their normal routine within 1 week. Aerobic exercise can be resumed in 2 weeks and unlimited activity in 6. Specifics will be discussed at the time of your consultation.


Costs range from $4,300.00 to $6,800.00. The range takes into account the number of areas being treated and the additional time required for multiple areas. All estimated pricing does include Hospital Costs, Anesthesia Fees, and Surgeon’s Fees. While this cost range represents an estimate, the final price is based on each patient’s unique situation and can only be determined during a consultation.

Contact Corbett Cosmetic Surgery

In addition to performing various liposuction techniques, Dr. Corbett offers many other highly effective body contouring treatments. At his elegantly appointed cosmetic plastic surgery facility, patients can also undergo arm lift, thigh lift and body lift. Dr. Corbett also has extensive experience performing abdominoplasty and has been consistently voted one of America’s Top Doctors by Castle Connolly and one of the best tummy tuck surgeons in Louisville, KY.